Archangel Metatron

April 2009

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are joy, crisis, new beginnings, finances, relationships, emotions, review, evaluate, choice, wisdom, inner peace, purification, release.
Welcome to the first Spring of the Age of Aquarius! Through the month of April the intensity of the energy may rock your personal world as well as the world in general. 

There are three global crises humankind will face between now and May 2010.  Crises events may be joyful as in preparing for graduation exams or your wedding.  Or life crises may be difficult experiences that deepen and evolve you, it depends on the will of each individual and of the collective of humankind.  The first crisis is already underway, it is economic. A new economy, new technology, and a new beginning on a firm financial foundation will evolve from the current circumstances.  In the end, this will bring joy and abundance!   The second crisis will be geopolitical, the third will be geophysical.   

April begins a cycle of purification which will prepare humankind for the May 2010 culmination I call the eye of the needle.  Any crises that evolve will allow each of you (as individuals and as national and cultural groups) to be refined and manifest those elements which are essential.  Your lesson is in learning to know what is essential, what works for you and to make up your mind to let everything else go.  

Through mid April each of you must evaluate your position in life and the past choices that have brought you to the present.  These evaluations must encompass your relationships, your studies and career choices, and your financial affairs.  This will also occur at national levels as those who represent the consciousness of their people as a collective go through the same process.  Where there have been imbalances, equilibrium must be brought forth.  As the world powers and global leaders work toward peace, the emerging nations in the path of February’s eclipse will experience an upsurge in ambition.   The geopolitical crises can be successfully managed with peace and brotherhood through a process of creating a new balance.

Emotional Balance is a necessity and highlighted in the face of bad news for the economy and potential disasters that will further drain resources.  Global leaders are reluctant to begin conflict, but the individuals who have been repressed by society are quick to act on their own, potentially manifesting acts of violence and terror.  My beloved ones, Inner peace will bring about global peace.   Hold to that path of peace.

April begins with the hope the future generation bring as each of these young people are geniuses in a specific area.  Your creative capacity is being stimulated by the lights to manifest the solutions needed by humankind.   By mid month, intellectual prowess is demonstrated and solutions to global and national problems will begin to manifest from unexpected sources.  Look for surprising solutions to economic woes to come forth by the end of the month.  The energetic release that will manifest April 17th through the 21st will continue through May, grounding ideas and innovations.  Hold to the energies of hope, abundance, and joy for they are your birthright from spirit!  The released energy will be directed through this optimistic attitude and your world will evolve easily and perfectly as a result.

This is the month to throw off the chains of limitation.  This month, the process of global cultural change is localized through each individual’s emotional expression.  Through your emotions you will begin to manifest the large scale changes in your personal life and emotions.   The energies of disagreement, evolution, expansion, and harsh lessons are present.  These lessons have been localized for each of you over the past 3 to 4 months as this intense energetic environment has been evolving.  An energetic funnel has evolved as a result of the astrological cluster of energies.  The New Moon on the 25th opens an energetic nozzle to release the energy that has been building in the funnel.  The New Moon will bring relief, but also brings the demand for personal choices!  Beloved ones, the choices you make to direct the flow of energy from this nozzle must be made from wisdom and the highest view you can express through your educational study, your work, your relationships, and your environment. 

This month can bring you bliss and chaos as the energy moves upward, bringing the world and humankind to a higher vibration and the next step in the progression I call ascension.   By the end of this month the invisible chains that have bound you materially and financially will be released.   Know that any manifestations of conflict or upheaval are merely the process of purification. 

Because of the energetic release that is arriving through the configuration of the lights, visions and possibilities that have only been “ideas” are now given form, and over the next year will find their wings and fly.   The new beginning offered to the world this Spring will lead to the germination of the spiritual seeds that have been planted over the past 22 years.  

My Beloved ones, the task and challenge for April 2009 is to envision new ways of life.  Manifestation will follow!  Seek inner peace and harmony this month and the new way will open for each of you.