Archangel Metatron

April 2010

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are Complications, Clarity, Convenience, Passion, Enlightenment, Revealing, Communication, Impatience,   Prioritize, Empowerment, Gateway, Transition, Change, Storms, Caring, Compassion, War, Eloquence, Divine Glory

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins the light manifests opportunity as well as stress.  With the change of season fresh starts are on your mind.  You may feel like clearing everything, letting, go, to begin again.  In this intense energetic environment changes based on genius, creativity, and awareness will serve the greater good.   Changes that trade an outdated ideology for a different dogma will manifest counter productive blocks.  The aspects at this time demand a release of blocks. 

Venus is potent and offers you increased artistic inspiration.  Entertainment and socializing, enjoying good food, and witty friends brings you a fresh outlook and manifests joy!  Romance get positive stimulation from the light.   April is a fine time to find the love of your life.  Expect the passionate side of your nature to reveal itself in one way or another.

Home matters are supported in this light.  Traditional values and home and family gain in importance.  The month begins with emotional overtones. There is a tremendous amount of physical and emotional passion influencing you.   Before the 18th you have a clear path for action and new beginnings. 

From 6th to the 9th you may feel impatient and find yourself pushing for greater progress.  You wish to move ahead but don’t feel clear about your goals.   You may feel held back as you experiment hoping to achieve the right approach.  You may encounter frustration in your ability to gain the cooperation and support of others.  Keep your mind on clarifying your goals and check to find agreement and validation from others.  This will support your movement forward with confidence and assurance. 

Stubbornness and resistance bubble up in your attitude toward your career or studies.  Know that if you overreact or engage in emotional drama you will find forgiveness from others.  The lesson is one of maintaining flexibility if you are to bring about the results you are seeking.   Beloved ones, there is a great deal of positive energy present to support you!  

As Saturn retreats into Virgo for the next 3 months you will evaluate health, money matters, and work issues.  You will find yourself willing to take full responsibility for your choices even though there are internal pressures driving you toward change at the same time you wish to maintain things as they are.   Remind yourself to take the time and trouble to direct your efforts toward the outcome that is to your greatest advantage.  The reality is that all things change and you can adjust easily if you think of it as a process of making life more exciting! 

The lessons you have learned over the past two years serve you well.  Although you are not in the mood for emotional or financial risks a sense of excitement will bring improvements at work and in your health.  April opens a window of opportunity for prudent investment, home improvement projects, and new routines.  New ways to generate income and  prudent money management will result in a comfortable life and stable security.  A fresh, new attitude toward your work and career goals will manifest success by October!   Beloved ones, with positive effort, a way of life that sustains you materially and creatively is on the way. 

Maintain a sense of humor about mistakes, miscommunications, and technological malfunctions.   Words carry great weight and caution is advised in communicating, especially through written documents.  There may be repercussions that cannot be foreseen.  Read contracts carefully.   Take care in making changes even though you feel compelled to do so.  Anything you do now will have far reaching effects.  Many changes made this month will prove to be ineffective demanding further changes during the summer. 

The energy between Saturn Uranus hints at a world crises. In the past this aspect pattern has resulted in war.  The global climate is one of change and these aspects influence the global community more strongly than it does individuals.   The forces of discipline and order opposing the forces of chaos and change are difficult to balance and it will take all of your awareness to use this energy appropriately!  Will these aspects teach you to manifest changes through a different path?  In the financial world there are reasons for concern over pensions, retirement funds, and the insurance industry.  

These energies also foreshadow the energetic gateway that will open between May 5th through the 10th.  This is a gateway of decision.   It will complete the potential cycle of earth changes.  These 5 days of divine glory will manifest the opening of the 22 Paths of Ascension! 

In your lives this aspect may be experienced as difficult energy or remind you of issues you thought were resolved.   Often this aspect brings a personal crisis through conflict with authority figures or  a job loss.  It can also stimulate genius, perceptual changes, deep healing, and support the sudden manifestation of your dreams. 

To cope with the energies April will bring I suggest that you reevaluate the changes you feel compelled to make in your life and priorities.  Are your goals aligned with your true path in life?  Use your personal power to obtain success through wisdom and well thought out plans.  Manage challenges rather than attempting to force your way.  This is an excellent time to subtly promote yourself, hold meetings, and make sales presentations.  The end of April offers you the energy to prepare and innovate.  The end of the month reveals a hidden wellspring of creative energy and offers you sudden success.  It will also require you to make decisions and follow through. 

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  The path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! Remember that life is a journey to be savored.  If you wish to network and befriend those who have leadership roles remember to be genuine.    The energy will be in harmony with your ability to build deep and powerful connections with others.    I am the Metatron.