Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are Challenge, Test, Crisis, Effort, Renewal, Phoenix,


Welcome to the Age of Aquarius – through April the intensity of the energy may rock your personal world and the world in general.   The energies will either bring stress or they will deepen your connection to the Divine.  The energetic influence may cause you to struggle against what is and those who hold roles of authority and power in your life.   The issues you face may evolve into a crises or even a traumatic emotional “explosion”.  Alternatively, this energy may influence you positively.  Beloved ones choose to be empowered and accept 100% responsibility for yourself.  Often the situations that create pressure also bring personal evolution which I define as emotional and intellectual maturity.   If you redirect the energy and focus on finding solutions these issues may offer tremendous personal evolution.  Consider April’s challenges as opportunities to evolve in the light and all will be well! 

歡迎來到寶瓶座時代- 透過4月這股能量的強度,可以搖滾你們個人的世界,還有就一般而言的世界。  這股能量要麼是帶來壓力 ,或者是深化你們對神聖的連結。 這股高能的影響可能會導致你們去奮力對抗那些在你們的生活中握有權威和權力的事物與角色。 你們所面對的議題可能進展成一個危機,或甚至是創傷性的情感「爆炸」。 或者非此即彼,這股能量可以正面的影響你們。 摯愛的人們,選擇被授予力量,並且為了你們自己接受百分之百的責任。  往往是在創造壓力的情況下, 也帶來個人進化,也就是我所定義的情感上及智識上的成熟。 如果你們重新定向這股能量,並專注於找出解決方案,這些議題可以釋出巨大的個人進化。 將4月的挑戰視為像是在光中去進化的機遇,一切都會安好的!

April brings a replay of the energetic alignments of the January 2011 eclipse.  It also brings a replay of the planetary alignments in place since 2012.   A cardinal Grand Cross reaches culmination April 20th to the 23rd.   The cross manifests on a critical degree – one of the true power points of the great wheel.  The alignments now begin an energetic process.  The final effects will manifest between June 14th – 18th.

4月帶來了在2011年1月蝕高能校準的重播。 它同時也帶來了 在2012年以來行星校準就位的重播。 一個中樞大十字在 4月20日至23日達到了頂點。 這個十字在一個至關重要的程度上顯化了- 巨輪的真實力量點之一。 這個校準現在開始了一個高能進程。 最終的效應將會在6月14日至18日之間體現。

There are two potential political crises building.  It is possible that diplomacy will resolve the issues after May19th.    It depends on the will of each individual and of the collective consciousness of humankind.  The first crisis is already in progress and this is the economy with particular emphasis on social services.  The second crisis is also developing and it is that of political greed.  There is a potential for geophysical crisis to manifest changes in the land nearest the oceans.  The waters are coming.

有兩個潛在的政治危機正在建設。 有可能外交手腕將在5月19日之後解決眾議題。 這取決於每個個體的意志,和人類的集體意識。  第一個危機已在進行中,這是經濟上的,尤其強調在社會的服務上。  第二次危機也正在發展中,它是政治的貪婪。  有一個地球物理學上的危機在最靠近海洋的土地顯化改變。 水來了。

The beginning of the April brings inflated egos, arguments, and aggression.  Sudden bursts of insight and awareness bring solutions to long standing problems.   During this time I urge each of you to develop your courage.  Consider who and what you are willing to protect.  Eclipses are active for two weeks before and after the manifestation.  This is not a good time to make decisions or create changes.  Maintain the status quo until after May 19th.  You may not have enough information to make a wise choice.  Expect instability, turbulence, and sudden changes.  This is a good time to make safety a priority. 

在4月初對於去愛與被愛帶來了巨大的渴望。 它也帶來了自我膨脹,爭論,和侵略。 洞察力和了悟突然爆發了,對長期存在的問題帶來解決方案。 在這期間,我敦促你們每一個人去開發你們的勇氣。  細想什麼對象及什麼是你們願意去保護的。 月蝕於兩周前及彰顯的後兩周處於活躍狀態。 這不是一個很好的時機去作出決定或創造改變。 維持現狀,直到5月19日之後。 你們可能沒有足夠的資訊去做出明智的選擇。  預期不穩定、動亂,及突然的變化。 這是一個去讓安全成為優先考量的好時候。

The Full Moon on the 15th is a lunar eclipse in Libra/ Aries.  This eclipse will bring about events that will be important in the long view of history.  The shadow of the eclipse covers South Africa to Australia.  A line of darkness extends through Israel to Lebanon.  Syria, Iran, Iraq, and the United States will be activated by the eclipse degrees.  It takes place at the same degree as the January 2011 eclipse which foreshadowed the Arab Spring and Japan’s great quake and tsunami.  This eclipse will deliver intense energies.  The aspects speak of aggression and sudden changes in circumstances.   There will be concern over crops and food supply.

第15日的滿月是一次在天秤座/白羊座的月蝕。 這次月蝕會帶來的事件,在長遠的歷史上來看將會是重要的。 這次月蝕的陰影覆蓋了南非到澳大利亞。 一條黑暗線透過以色列到黎巴嫩延伸了。 敘利亞、伊朗、伊拉克和美國將藉由月蝕程度被激活。 它採取的定位有如和2011年1月份的日蝕程度相同,當年這個日蝕程度也就是預示了阿拉伯之春(又稱阿拉伯的覺醒)及日本的大地震與海嘯。 這次月蝕將帶來激烈的能量。訴說著侵略,及情況中突如其來的變化等面向。 作物及糧食的供應上將成為關注 。

The energy after the eclipse is volatile and dangerous.  Accidents, storms, and earth changes are likely.  Any action may create unexpected “damage” and words will be misunderstood – spinning relationships out of control. 

月蝕後的這股能量是動盪和危險的。 事故,風暴和地球的變化都是可能的。 任何行動可能會創建意想不到的「損傷」,而言詞將會被誤解- 正在紡織中的人際關係失控。

The New Moon on the 29th is a Solar Eclipse in Taurus.  This eclipse will highlight the family and groups created by like-minded people.  It will bring the urge to merge one’s life with another’s.  This eclipse will bring a replay of last November’s violence and financial chaos.   This is a good time for tasks that require concentration and focus.  Deal with financial matters and tie up loose ends. Do not begin projects or make commitments.   

第29日的新月是在金牛座的一次日蝕。   這次日蝕將突顯出由志同道合的人所創建的家庭和團體。 它會帶來一個人的生命與另一個人合併的衝動。 這次日蝕會帶來去年11月的暴力重播,及金融上的混亂。 這對要求專心度及注意力的任務而言,是個好時機。處理財務事宜, 完成收尾工作。 不要開始專案項目,或作承諾。

Consider the energies of April to be a perfect cycle of purification.  Many of your values will be refined so you may manifest the elements which are essential.  Your lesson is to  know what is essential, what works for you, and to make up your mind to let everything else go.  

將4月的能量視為一個淨化的完美週期。 很多你們的價值觀將被精煉, 如此一來你們便能顯化必要的元素。 你們的課題是去知道什麼是至關重要且不可少的,什麼是對你們奏效的,然後去下定你們的決心,讓其它的一切走。

My Beloved ones, the task and challenge for April is to learn new skills to cope with relationships and life.  Manifestation will follow!  Seek inner peace and harmony this month and you will successfully navigate the challenges April will offer.

我摯愛的人們,4月的任務和挑戰是去學習處理人際關係和生活的新技能。 彰顯將隨之而來! 這個月尋求內在的和平與和諧,則你們會成功地橫渡4月份將釋出的挑戰。

