Archangel Metatron

September 2012

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are Liberation, Compassion, Manifestation, Appreciation, Extremes, Aggression, Co-creation, Interdependence, Divine Mind, Limitless Light, and Destiny.



Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   Throughout September the atmosphere crackles and sparkles with surges of energy.  This energy speaks directly to your subconscious mind, whispering of changes to come.  The energy of Renaissance is flowing beginning to shift cultural values, mass consciousness, developing a new theme for this age!



In your personal life, this may manifest as restlessness and general discontent.  You are aware of the urge to create change, but clarity about the form those changes should take is not present.  These changes will not be Spiritual or mental.  Your world requires physical change, manifested in the material world.



The impulse toward change can easily be manifested.    Evaluate your daily routine.  Consider your habits, your duties, and your social obligations.   Make changes that will bring you joy and deepen your personal satisfaction.   Here are a few examples, begin an exercise routine or devote time to developing yourself through a hobby.  Find the activities that bring you vitality and allow you to channel the surges of creative energy that are flowing.    The first week of the month manifests confusion about your future direction as well as bursts of “intelligence” and pure awareness.   Apply these insights and you will develop wisdom.  The lack of direction and clarity will resolve itself.   The Creator is offering you divine solutions to your problems. 



At the collective level the energies of renaissance and change may be translated as independence, recklessness, and even “rebellion”.   At a global level you may expect an outbreak of at least two more civil wars.  In countries with oppressive regimes expect mass demonstrations as those bonding into groups express their expectations of government without regard for the consequences.    The need to express is greater than the fear of the consequences.  At a collective level respect for authority is at an all time low.  Positively framed, these are lessons in co-creation to manifest the greatest good for the group. 



Over the next 18 months you task will be to manifest balance between your personal needs and what you are required to give to your most important relationships.   You will develop your listening skills, learn to understand the opposing view, and resolve your resistance.   Learn to flow with the wave of light and let go of rigidity.  Your ability to bond to others is heightened from mid September to early October.  During this time you will find ways to improve your personal and professional relationships.  Combining resources to achieve a common goal is a path to mutual success!



During the second week of September stimulates you to update your look or get a total makeover.  Invest in yourself and reveal your charisma and flash.  This is the time to socialize make new friends. Some may fall in love at first sight.  Update your look.



The new moon on the 15 opens a time of diverse energies.  Until the end of the month use this energy by placing your focus on your inner world.   Break down your inner barriers that limit your happiness and abundance.  Keep a low profile in the outer world, your light will be revealed in October.



Your challenge will be to keep up, flowing with the shifts in tempo and style.  Expect continual disruptions to your schedule.  My counsel is to avoid risks with your money, emotions, and your physical well being.  Surgery can be rescheduled.  Extreme sports and engaging in conflict is to be avoided.  The energy behind your emotional imprints and reactive behaviors will surface offering many of you opportunities for deep healing.  The energetic alignments teach you to deal with the energies that stimulate flight or fight in ways that will release stress and enhance creativity. 



Through mid-month there are strong probabilities for earth quakes, volcanic activity, and intense storms as the energy peaks and then crashes repeatedly during this time frame.  The political focus will be on pensions and the securities market.  Expect new regulations in the health care field to manifest.  The full moon on the 29 brings culmination and integration.



Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  The Moons Nodes have shifted bringing new definitions of beauty to the world.  Your senses are heightened bringing intensity to your relationships.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! Find ways to manifest co-creation and begin the shift from independence to interdependence.  The good of the whole will bring your personal joy!   I am the Metatron.
