Archangel Metatron

July 2010

Beloved ones, the keywords I give for your meditation and contemplation this month are  joy, evolution, miracles, light, political strife, children, food, joy, integration, blockage, crisis, severity, joy, abandonment, cherish, value, awakening!

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins all energies align, bringing a cycle of culmination into your lives.  July offers several complex configurations of transiting planets and two eclipses.   Used well this will offer you opportunity, life changes, new beginnings, and resolution to problems and issues.   If you do not direct the energy you may find yourself feeling frustrated with limitations present in your life and angry at everything and everyone.  You may find yourself overwhelmed with a desire to break free of all that binds you to your current situation.

The transits of July echo those of earlier times.  Similar energetic alignments manifested in 1945, in 1961, and in 1991.  A dynamic decade of tremendous social change, political change, economic change, and technological evolution is before you.  This cycle of evolution, established by the tremendous although difficult energetic alignments, is promising for world peace, global economic recovery, and a redefinition of marriage and family relationships.   

I ask you to meditate on your past.  Evaluate your experience during past transits and eclipses, for this may offer insights and reveal the nature of your current lessons.  Consider your life and experiences in the summer of 1991.  Ask yourself, “What were the choices presented at that time?”  As you meditate on that question you will better understand the choices that are before you now.   Know that nagging problems and burdensome situations may be resolved within this season.

The effect of the eclipse energies will be powerful and harsh. The area of darkness marked by the July 11th eclipse extends from Russia through Iran and Iraq to Saudi Arabia and suggests changes in the political relationship between the USSR and the United States. .  The July 26th eclipse expands that line of darkness to include Pakistan and Afghanistan. One lesson the Universe is offering is that Governments must learn to serve their people rather than attempt to control them.

Mental ingenuity is highlighted through July’s dynamic energy, and your insights may evolve into prophetic revelations about the future.  You may feel as though you understand the nature of reality because of the shift in perspective this cycle brings.   Harness this energy and choose to build on your ideas.  Start a new company, begin a new job, or organize support for a group. Innovation must be applied to your current methods manifesting the next step in your education or career.  . 

Saturn changes sign, entering Libra on the 21st, bringing a change of theme in the energetic tension that has been present throughout 2010..   From Libra, Saturn will oppose Uranus for the 5th and final time activating the quality of Spirit and revealing the next step in Human divinity.  This time offers the strongest possible combination of planetary energies creating deep, profound effects in your psychology.   Understand that as Saturn changes signs it will stimulate expression of your true psychological state.   

The energy applies forceful pressure – and quickly you will find yourself dealing with a new world in some way as a result of the Cardinal Crisis July manifests.  Remarkable experiences are indicated!  One potential outcome may be an immediate escalation in conflict followed by negotiated settlements and peace in Africa as well as the Mid- East.  
Politics and economic events may shake up lives and change the world as you know it.  The end of the month offers difficult, angry, impulsive energy manifesting challenging business conditions, health issues, accidents, and endings.  These energies may stimulate earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.   Be aware, avoid risks, and care for yourself. Disruptions will present themselves, remember these also represent opportunities.   For example, these energies bringing economic change will result in a thriving global economy as progress will continue from these alignments during the next two years. 

Beloved Ones, seek your joy.  The month before you may be a difficult time but it is also a time of tremendous opportunity ensuring change.  If you use this energy well it may prove to be a time of exciting new choices that result in a joyful life.   The dynamic of change is being presented by the Universe.  Everything is within divine timing!   Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  I am the Metatron.