Archangel Metatron

June 2011

Beloved ones, the keywords I offer for your meditation and contemplation are unity, cosmic dance, vision, manifesting, reality shift, conversation, beauty, nourishment, joy, completion.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As June begins the energy is focused on the process of completing the cycle of change that has been underway for the past few years.  This month will be energetically busy due to a large number of minor aspects bringing culmination and manifesting change in every aspect of life.  It may seem as though everything is happening at once.                                                                                                      
At this time political leaders will be reminded that they cannot take their positions of power for granted.  Those who are corrupt will be challenged to make amends and accept the consequences as the truth is revealed.   The world of politics will offer outrageous entertainment.   Through this year the aspects will work to bring forth an evolved social consciousness and manifest concrete efforts to meet the tremendous need that exists in the world.   There is an underlying sense of urgency motivating the global community toward change.                                                                                                                                          
The June eclipse cycle includes two partial solar eclipses and one total lunar eclipse.  The lights are directing humankind toward cooperation, releasing prejudices, and restoring ancient ways and traditional methods.  Expect breakthrough in communications technology over the next six months.  This energy amplifies the process of political change through social networking and it will empower groups bonded through higher ideals.  These energies may bring changes in leadership in the Sudan, Thailand, Cuba, Ireland, and Guatemala.   Expect continued concern about taxes and funding social welfare.  Scandals will evolve over a continued release of documents revealing hidden motives and plotting.  

Learning how to communicate at a deeper level and how to disseminate information will be a continuing theme for the next six months.  As always I advise postponing decisions during an eclipse because unpredictable results and unexpected change follow.  Instead allow the flow of synchronicity to bring the next step, and the next, and the next.   

Jupiter moving into Taurus blesses beginning efforts to manifest a new economy.  Expect banking and currency reforms.  At a personal level this energy will open each of you to sensual pleasures, earthy delights, and the bliss of beauty.  Jupiter will shift your goals, bring good fortune, increase your luck, and ground your efforts to be more productive and get ahead in life.  Economic, emotional, and physical comfort will evolve over the year ahead, supporting each of you in new ways.  Children of light open your hearts and accept the abundant joy that the Universe is offering you.   

Expect additional work and increased responsibility.  Deadlines may seem to be impossible to meet.  Additional research and a need to be immaculate with your paperwork will require intense concentration.   Physical exercise will allow you to avoid frustration.  Your lesson will be one of faith in your capacity to succeed.  At the end of the month you may be surprised by your achievements brought about by extraordinary pressure.   At a spiritual level this is called the process of building the diamond energy body.

The energetic alignments at the midmonth total lunar eclipse are quite positive.  This energy will support resolving disagreements, healing relationship issues, and restoring love that has been lost.   The end of June may bring minor challenges including difficult communications, scattered energy, and a shortage of patience.   A volatile stock market will require strong nerves and a solid investment plan!  Remember to meditate and pray each day.  Follow the path of peace.  As a result the blessings of peace will be yours and these challenges will not disrupt your life and relationships!                                                                                                                                                                          
Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Decisions about your relationships and your role within a family unit or group will bring remarkable progress and manifest your next step.  The inner urge to find transcendent love is a call from your soul for oneness with the “ALL.” The path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! I am the Metatron.