Archangel Metatron

中文翻譯 Chinese translation by Vina

November 2012

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:  Solutions, teamwork, JOY, Foundation, Love, Passion, Marriage, Friendship, Intimacy, Passion, and Choice.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!  The first week the energy flow softens and slows.  I describe this flow as a quiet pond or perhaps a deep, slow moving river.   This quiet energy allows you time to recuperate and reconsider. During November the emotional side of your life will come into clear focus.  Love and your loved ones will bring you to the next step in your evolution.  The watery, emotional intensity of Scorpio will gift each of you with the energy that allows you to value the close relationships in your life. 

As the month begins you may compare traditional values and more modern methods.  You will weigh commitment and security against your need for adventure and freedom. 
Past relationships provided lessons and learning, some of those may be renewed, others will be reviewed.  Some will find a new romantic love interest during November.   Those who are committed will open their hearts finding deeper emotional connection.    A different kind of intimacy and more fully committed relationships will be the result.

In your career or education I advise you to stick to routine.   You don’t have all the information necessary.  Set aside decisions and choices until the end of the month or mid December after the eclipse cycle is complete.  Socializing, conversational wit, and networking with groups offer the best possibility for professional progress.   Your ability to debate, to teach, and to sell are enhanced.  During November your intuitive vision will clarify.    A new spiritual pursuit or tradition will lead you toward inner peace and emotional serenity.

Mercury will bring an urge for freedom, adventure, and CHANGE!  As Mercury continues in retrograde cycle from the 6th to the 26th take your time and consider changes carefully.  Ask yourself, “How does my life process impact another?  How can we move toward true mutuality as well as emotional maturity?”  The result will be enormous progress in healing troubled relationships. 

The new moon on the 13th is also an eclipse in Scorpio.  The eclipse opens you, training you to use your personal power with awareness and balance.  The energy is potent, combustible, and will manifest impact through the elements of water and fire.  Expect storms, heavy wave action or even tsunami, and perhaps volcanic explosions.  The energy of the eclipse cycle will directly impact Israel.  Remember that this energy will flow for the next six months.  This manifests a critical time.  It may begin with warfare but it will eventually  lead to the beginning of peaceful coexistence. 

During this eclipse cycle each of you dear ones will learn about instant karma.  You must resolve problems immediately.  You will also experience a situation that will serve you well.  Although it may involve an emergency it will summon the best qualities that are in you.  Beloved ones, rise to the occasion and express your noble, altruistic side. 

The eclipse manifests the 11/12/12 Rising of the Phoenix Gateway.  This energy prepares the way for the Flight of the Phoenix.  This Gate opens next month on 12/12/12.  This gate will remain open until 12/22/12.  This gate is coded with the theme of the Phoenix – destruction and recreation, or death and rebirth.  November’s quiet, loving energy will gently escort you toward evolution and rebirth, with a reborn enthusiasm for life.

I ask once again, this is the time you have been preparing for.   Are you ready?

The moon wobble on the 18th will surface intense emotions.  Many will feel frustrated and may consider giving up on their love relationship.  Let me speak clearly; maintain committed relationships during this cycle.  This is not the month to make decisions, set them aside until mid December.

The energy changes to a more dynamic flow on the  23rd bringing ignition and rapid acceleration.    This shift continues until the 27th.   During this time there is danger to a beloved public figure, one representing a father figure to the masses.   There is danger of earth changes, accidents, storms, and explosions.  Tempers explode with the least provocation.  Be cautious driving or operating equipment.  If possible, schedule surgery  for a different time. 

The full moon on the 28th is an eclipse which aspects Neptune and Chiron.  This will impact heath care.  Over the next six months health issues will arise for many.   The aspects highlight issues about authority and empowerment.  This also highlights the responsibility of governments and officials to protect and serve.  This is because only those who are empowered have something to share with the larger community. 

This eclipse will bring increased powers of perception and intuitive clarity for many.  Know that your words will touch others at deep levels.  Take care to keep confidences, and pay attention to personal security.   

This eclipse will open the flow in new ways.  Opportunities will arrive over the next 6 months, some may manifest windfall profits as a result.  With this eclipse the energy of personal joy will flow. Know that divine Love is with you more strongly than before!

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!   This month life will teach each of you about how to share, how to love, how to cherish what you have and find balance.   Beloved ones a new world is being born.  Welcome to the Age of Light!